Listing of All Current Rodeos

Devils Lake #1(Devils Lake, ND) - 09/08/2023 Devil Lake #2(Devils Lake, ND) - 09/09/2023 Minot(Minot) - 04/06/2024
Bowman(Bowman) - 05/25/2024 Elgin(Elgin) - 06/01/2024 Killdeer(Killdeer) - 06/08/2024
Watford City(Watford City) - 06/15/2024 Blasidell(Blaisdell) - 06/23/2024 McLeod(McLeod) - 06/28/2024
Strasburg(Strasburg) - 06/29/2024 Sheyenne(Sheyenne) - 06/30/2024 Towner(Towner) - 07/03/2024
Antler(Antler) - 07/07/2024 Steele(Steele) - 07/13/2024 Wing(Wing) - 07/19/2024
Forman(Forman) - 07/26/2024 New Salem(New Salem) - 08/02/2024 Hettinger(Hettinger) - 08/03/2024
Medora(Medora) - 08/09/2024 Carson(Carson) - 08/17/2024 Lisbon(Lisbon) - 08/23/2024
Amidon(Amidon) - 08/25/2024 NDRA Finals(Watford City) - 09/27/2024

Standings subject to change as contestants continue to buy their memberships. As long as you purchase your membership prior to competing at your first rodeo in 2018 all points accumulated from Devils Lake will carry over.