Listing of All Current Rodeos

MEMBERSHIP RODEO #1(10/26/2024) MEMBERSHIP RODEO #2(10/27/2024) CLOVIS #3(01/11/2025)
CLOVIS #4(01/12/2025)

Weather finally started cooperating with us to get our rodeo put on. It ended up being a good weekend to have a rodeo. I stepped out of my office a few times this weekend to just watch our rodeo and it is heart warming to see the families all working together helping eah others kids. Parents you should be real proud of yourself for raising such great kids. I am so proud of our little association. The auction for the Acuna family was a huge success and again it is because of the families that I get to call HPJRA FAMILY. HPJRA Board of Directors great job this weekend. Thank each one of you for all your hard work. Safe travels. Linda 1